Atlantic Underground Podcast Episode #77 (Mass Genocide? Who is Responsible? What is the Solution?)

November 12, 2021


Atlantic Underground Podcast Episode #77 (Mass Genocide? Who is Responsible? What is the Solution?)

In this episode we speak with concerned citizens who are making a difference in the fight against COVID-19 mandates in the province of Nova Scotia. Daphne Williamson is a constitutional lawyer who is working with George Roche for the group Canadian Rights Watch. They are empowering Canadians about their constitutional rights. Paul Westhaver is an engineer who has been using Freedom of Information requests to expose the lies being suppressed from the citizens of Nova Scotia. William Ray is a retired member of the Canadian military and Peter MacIsaac is a retired law enforcement officer who have filed court documents to stop illegal mandates.


The views expressed by guests on this podcast are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Atlantic Underground Podcast.

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